Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anniversaries, OH MY!

Well, this week will be Mom and Dad's 30th wedding anniversary and Tom and I are celebrating 9 years. Mom and Jay just celbrated 29 years. What a blur it has been. I still can't believe how quickly life can change...even in just one year. I can't believe I am where I am today and I can't even see any traceable steps of how I got here. Just hopping blocks and and destinations. At mom and dad's 25th, I was very pregnant with Simon and he will be 5 in a few short months. What a crazy journey. Well, that is all the insight I have for this Sunday Afternoon. I'm happy it is a great Fall day and i think I will go rock hunting with the boys now. We totally dig that! Wish us lick for a geode!

Cheers for Now!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Missing my sister

As the holidays grow closer, it is getting harder to be away from my sister and her family. Today Trev is 8. I havn't seen the twins in 6 months and I miss them so much. So in an effort to stay in touch better, I am going to begin my posts again. For now, this is all I have. I will start to post more pics and keep people updated on our family...because they are what really matters.